Saturday, May 13, 2006

Still Waddling Along

I'm REALLLLLY ready for this baby to get here. It's official: I am waddling. And I'm so tired all the time because I can't get through a night without getting up at least four or five times to use the bathroom. And getting out of bed is no small feat, either. With the fortress of pillows that surrounds me, I have to shift everything and then roll (because I can't even sit up without a struggle!) out of bed. When I return, I have to reset all the pillows and deposit myself back in the cocoon, hoping I land in a comfortable spot. And, did I mention that my back aches, like, all the time? Oh, and I also have allergies (pollen counts are at a decade high), and since your nasal passages swell when you're pregnant, I have to wear Breathe-Right strips and take Benadryl every night. Even after these measures, Scott says I snore so loud that he can't hear the TV.

And these are only the things I can mention without blushing. SO much is going on in my body right now that I don't even want to think about.

According to my official due date, I have four more weeks. But I'm shooting for three max. Beyond that, my mental health may be in jeopardy!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you update this site? I live for each entry.

Affording the Mouse said...

Gee, Carl, I'm so honored that you have time to read my blog--what with your impressive racing career and all that.