Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And Then There Were Two

I guess we knew what we were doing when we bought two more goldfish a couple of weeks ago (so we'd have a "spare" if there was another tragedy). Yesterday morning, as I went to feed the fish, I noticed Jasmine floating behind the filter. :(

Since it was just a couple of hours before preschool, and I didn't want to "upset the apple cart," I opted to wait to tell Reagan, hoping she wouldn't notice. She didn't, and when I finally told her after school, she seemed rather indifferent--quite a change from our near meltdown when Aladdin died. You just never know how a four-year-old is going to react.

What am I doing to these poor fish? I'm following all the instructions, I think. I'm feeding them, keeping the tank clean. I'm having deja vu, remembering how I killed a series of fish when I thought it would reduce stress to have one in my office at work a few years ago. But instead it was extremely stressful, because they kept dying. (Every weekend, I would find my latest fish belly up. I even tried taking the fish home each weekend--which was a huge pain--but I still managed to kill each one off during the week.)

I guess this particular variety of goldfish just have a life span of 30-45 days. At least, that's the answer I'm going with.

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