Friday, February 20, 2009

We've Finally Turned the Corner...I Think

It has taken countless afternoons of frustration, about 4,837 diapers and pull-ups, and more than a few tears (mine and hers), but Presley is finally pooping in the potty! Up until now, those poops had been few and faaaaarrrr between. But for the last several days, she has pooped consistently in the potty without any coercion! (Well, perhaps treats count as coercion. Nonetheless, she has pooped of her own free will.)

As I type, I am both crossing my fingers and knocking on wood (both of which are extremely hard to do while typing, I might add). Still, I think we're on our way. Some setbacks are to be expected, but at least we can see the light at the end of the diaper tunnel.

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