Saturday, November 08, 2008

Reagan's Sweet, Sensitive Heart

I didn't get to witness this story (got it second-hand from Scott), but it made me tear up a little when I heard it.

Scott had planned to take Monday off work, and I mentioned to him that it might be a good chance for him to have lunch at Reagan's school since he had been wanting to. Her school encourages parents to come anytime they'd like. When your parent has lunch at school, you get to pick a friend and eat with your parent and friend up on the stage area of the cafeteria. A few weeks ago Reagan got to have lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Presley, and Mama--and she invited her good friend Azur along.

Tonight when Scott took Reagan to bed, he asked if she'd like him to come have lunch with her on Monday. Of course she was excited. She said, "And I'm going to invite Drew up on the stage with me." Having been around Reagan's entire class on numerous occasions (including an all-day field trip), if there was one kid in the class that I would expect her to never want to be friends with, it would be Drew. The kid clearly has ADHD--and heavy on the H for hyperactivity. He's in trouble A LOT! He has bloodied a kid's nose on the playground (and this is Kindergarten!!!). Even Scott had heard a few Drew stories, so he asked, "Really? You want to invite Drew?" And Reagan said, "Well, nobody ever invites Drew up on the stage. So I'm going to invite him."

What a sweet, tender heart! Mama is so proud--and glad it's Daddy and not her who gets to have lunch with Drew.

1 comment:

Baum Twins said...

VERY TENDERHEARTED indeed! I can't wait to hear about the lunch!