Friday, June 01, 2007

Already the Boys Are Calling!

Reagan got her first phone call from a boy today. Seriously. Her little boyfriend from church and preschool, Curry, called and asked for her. Sadly, she was away at her Nana and Gran's house, but we returned the call this afternoon.

A conversation with 3- and 4-year olds is pretty entertaining. They don't have much to say, so they just sit there and giggle a lot. (Well, at least that's what it sounded like from our end. Maybe boys don't giggle as much as girls.) And then when they say good-bye, you're never quite sure if the other parent is going to get on the line to talk or not. Dena did, and we had a brief exchange of "Aren't they cute?" and "Let's plan a playdate" and the like.

I'm glad that Reagan has a sweet friend like Curry. I'm glad...for now. Ask me again when she's 13.

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