Wednesday, May 25, 2005

All Is Well...Finally!

It has been about three weeks now, and the sickness in our household has finally subsided...sort of. I think I was the carrier this time, running a low-grade fever with few other symptoms. Reagan caught whatever I had, which then developed into an ear infection. Then Scott caught it from her, and while her ear infection was healing, she re-caught the virus from him and ran a high fever for several days. She seems just about well now, and Scott is much better, although he continues to have a hacking cough.

While she was sick, Reagan had her every whim met. If she said "juice," we delivered. If she then decided she wanted milk instead, we made the exchange. If she asked to color eight times in one day, we obliged. You get the point. Now we're paying the price. If she hears the word "no" in any context, she immediately "throws a fit," as they say here in the south.

We're remaining strong, not giving in to these tantrums. But, OH, how we'd love to have our kind, sweet child back. Could this be the start of the "Terrible Twos"?

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