Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Can You Hear Me NOW!!!

Presley has developed an annoying habit of asking for something over and over and over...even after we have said no. Only, she doesn't just make her demand the same each time. She slows down, articulating each word as well as her little two-year-old language skills will permit, emphasizing then final word. It goes a little something like this:

Presley: I want treat.
Mama: Not right now.
Presley: I want treat!
Mama: No, you have to eat something healthy first.
Presley: I...want...treat...right...now.
Mama: You're not getting a treat.
Presley: I. Want. Treat. Right. NOW!!!

Obviously, this little tactic doesn't work (I'm tougher than that, people!), but it does keep us entertained.

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